Česká asociace pro sociální antropologii
Masarykova česká sociologická společnost
ve spolupráci s
Etnologickým ústavem AV ČR, v.v.i.
Vás srdečně zvou na
Gellnerovský seminář založen Jiřím Musilem a Petrem Skalníkem v roce 1998
který se bude konat
ve čtvrtek 21. ledna 2016 od 16:30 hod.
ředitelně Etnologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i.
Praha 1, Na Florenci 3, č. dv. 503 – 504
Mario Schmidt
University of Cologne
A.R.T.E.S., Gradual school of Humanities
na téma
Money, Freedom and Knowledge:
On the Mereology of Social Relations and
Epistemological Skepticism in Western
Kenya and Beyond
Luděk BROŽ, v.r. , Zdeněk UHEREK,v.r., Alena MILTOVÁ,v.r.
Mario Schmidt
is currently a postdoc Fellow at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research.
Money, Freedom and Knowledge: On the
Mereology of Social Relations
and Epistemological Skepticism
in Western Kenya and Beyond
The paper focuses on how money’s quantity is understood to be multiple in Kaleko, a small market center in Western Kenya. Residents of Kaleko conceptualize money’s quantity as abstracting, concretizing and recursive. Theorizing this ethnographic data allows for an understanding of money as a sign which stands against itself. Money’s quantity’s abstractness and concreteness symbolize what it means to be coerced to do something while its recursive property, its ability to suspend the distinction between part and whole, symbolizes what it means to act freely in a world that is dominated by socio-economic and epistemological uncertainty. The paper concludes by scrutinizing how anthropology would look like if anthropologists imagined their science as entailing a form of mereological skepticism similar to the one employed in Western Kenya.