Beyond Transition(s): Anthropology of Europe during the Euro-Crisis

Dimitris Dalakoglou, University of Sussex

The question that emerged within the anthropology of Europe in the early 1990s was how to effectively understand, in an ethnographic way, these hyper-processes, which interplay simultaneously, and with such a speed, across all the scales of social analysis? This question re-emerges, even more urgently, today – given the new transitions of European boundaries, the mass construction of built environment and of new European selves accompanying the euro-crisis after 2010. Only the temporality of the forms, their multi-scale dimensions and their mobile ontology, to mention just a few of the characteristics that comprise methodological problems, pose a huge challenge for the discipline. This paper drawing from ethnographic experience in post(socialist) Europe (Albania) and the periphery of the capitalist part of the continent (Greece) will attempt to address some of these challenges and their historical significance.