165. Gellnerovský seminář – Mauro Bucci


Česká asociace pro sociální antropologii


Masarykova česká sociologická společnost

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Gellnerovský seminář založen Jiřím Musilem a Petrem Skalníkem v roce 1998

který se bude konat

v pátek 26. ledna 2018 od 15:00 hod.

v salonku Café Kampus, Náprskova 10, Praha 1 (http://cafekampus.cz/kontakt/)


Visual anthropologist

Mauro Bucci

na téma

Hotel Splendid – Representing

Migrations through

Ethnographic Cinema

Zdeněk UHEREK,v.r., Hana SYNKOVÁ v.r., Alena MILTOVÁ,v.r.

[PDF ke stažení]

Mauro Bucci

Mauro Bucci is an Italian filmmaker and independent researcher in the field of Visual Anthropology. He wrote scientific essays about ethnographic films for the Italian cinema journal «Bianco e Nero», the ethnographic journal «Visual Ethnography», the Italian publisher CLUEB for the book «Rappresentare – Questioni di antropologia, cinema e narrativa» . He is author of a chapter of the book «Looking with Robert Gardner» edited by W. Rothman, C. Warren and R. Meyers for the Horizons of Cinema series published by SUNY Press. His latest essay about ethnographic fieldwork and cinema is forthcoming for the journal «Africa e Mediterraneo».

Mauro Bucci worked as a one-man crew shooting video, recording sound, and editing footage for „Hotel Splendid“, his first work as a cinematographic author. An award-winning documentary that was completed following 12 months’ of fieldwork, and is based on the ethnographic method of participant observation.

“Hotel Splendid – Representing Migrations

through Ethnographic Cinema”

The phenomenon of migration affecting Africa and Italy, as well as Europe more generally, over the last several years is a favorite object of representation among Western mass media. Newspapers, television, social networks and so on offer countless images of immigrants arriving by sea and conditions they face while seeking asylum in Europe. Nonetheless, a thorough understanding of the human experiences and social dynamics involved in this phenomenon is often neglected: the focus on representations driven by political, ideological or reportage needs is hardly able to render the complexity of this social reality.

Instead, in my remarks, I will examine the type of image that methods of investigation developed in the field of ethnographic cinema are capable of producing. To this end, I will analyze the ethnographic fieldwork with a camera I undertook to realize “Hotel Splendid”. This documentary film about refugees was made thanks to research carried out during a one-year immersion of participant observation. The fieldwork was based both on my involvement in everyday life experiences of migrants, as well as a number of interventionist practices aimed at improving the asylum seekers’ conditions. Indeed, the resulting filmic representation has been possible because of the gradual establishment of a network of interpersonal relationships with migrants who allowed me to be accepted in their community, to understand their experiences and then to portray their lives on the screen.

Navazující akce v rámci festivalu Antropofest 2018

Od 18:00 proběhne v rámci festivalu Antropofest v Kině Ponrepo vernisáž výstavy stejnojmenného spolku „Pomáháme lidem na útěku“

Od 18:30 Bude jako zahajovací snímek 9. ročníku uveden film Hotel Splendid s následnou diskuzí s autorem Maurem Buccim, více viz http://www.antropofest.cz/

Hotel Splendid je intimním a kolektivním portrétem komunity migrantů z afrického pobřeží, kteří pobývají v přijímacím středisku pro žadatele o azyl. Jedná se o pohled na každodenní chod italského hotelu, který se proměnil v nouzový tábor pro uprchlíky. V dokumentárním filmu se prolínají dvě různé dějové linie: dramatická cesta plná násilí a zneužívání, kterou migranti podnikají, aby se dostali do Evropy, a itinerář, kterým se musí žadatelé o azyl řídit po vstupu do tábora, dokud není proces hodnocení u konce.

Uvedení filmu, ocenění (výběr):
GRAND PRIX International Ethno Film Festival „The Heart of Slavonia“ Chorvatsko 2017; BEST FEATURE-LENGTH FILM, prize „Gold Marzocco“ Adriano Asti and BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM, prize Luciano Becattini, Valdarno Cinema Fedic Valdarno, Itaálie 2017; SPECIAL MENTION, Bastimento Film Festival Bologna, Itálie 2017